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Rapid Loss of NC Elections Directors Tied to Low Pay, CPP Investigation Finds

Election Director Resignation Montage

Rapid Loss of NC Elections Directors Tied to Low Pay, CPP Investigation Finds

In North Carolina, a recent investigation has revealed a concerning trend of rapid turnover among county elections directors. This trend is attributed to low pay levels and challenging working conditions faced by these essential election administrators.

High Turnover and Loss of Experience

The investigation found that since January, 10 counties in North Carolina have lost elections directors, with reasons ranging from resignation to retirement. The state is experiencing a significant loss of experienced election officials.

According to the executive director of the N.C. State Board of Elections, the high turnover rate among county elections directors results in a loss of institutional knowledge and expertise in election administration.

Persistent Pay Disparity

The investigation further uncovered a significant pay disparity among elections directors across the state. Many counties pay their elections directors below the median yearly salary, with some counties paying less than 75% of the median rate.

Challenging Working Conditions

Aside from pay issues, the investigation also shed light on the challenging working conditions faced by elections directors. Many directors reported dealing with a heavy workload year-round, increased pressure, and incidents of harassment from members of the public.

Despite their dedication to ensuring fair and accurate elections, some directors have been subjected to threats and harassment, adding to the stress and burden of their roles.


The investigation underscores the urgent need for addressing the pay disparity and working conditions that elections directors face in North Carolina. High turnover rates and the loss of experienced professionals highlight the pressing need for reforms to ensure fair compensation and a supportive environment for county elections directors.

This investigative series serves as a crucial resource for understanding the challenges and complexities of election administration in the state, shedding light on the critical role that elections directors play in upholding the integrity of the electoral process.

HERE Asheville
Author: HERE Asheville

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