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Asheville Moms, Caregivers, and Advocates Call for Free School Meals for All

Mothers advocating for nutrition.

Asheville Moms, Caregivers, and Advocates Call for Free School Meals for All

In the peaceful, yet vibrant city of Asheville, a pivotal gathering took place on August 3. Mothers, caregivers, and child welfare advocates congregated for a pivotal event hosted by MomsRising, a national network of parents advocating for family economic security. The afternoon was dedicated to underscore the importance of universal free school meals for all children in North Carolina. Two North Carolina State Representatives, Eric Ager and Caleb Rudow, lent their support by joining the koine discussions.

Hunger among Children: A Critical Issue

Despite being one of the most developed states in America, North Carolina is home to 1 in 6 children who face the grave issue of hunger daily. A recent straw poll represented that an overwhelming majority of 81 percent of the state’s voters supported the proposition to invest in free school meals for all. Their belief was that it would not only combat childhood hunger but also solidify the state’s communities.

The Role of MomsRising

MomsRising, an organization that believes in the power of moms and family members, has emerged as a prominent voice advocating for universal school meals. At the event organized on August 3, MomsRising members shared personal stories elucidating the impact and need for free school meals. Discussions were aimed at strategizing ways to amplify mom power to facilitate universal school meals throughout the state.

An Event for Everyone

In an effort to create a family-friendly atmosphere, the event featured art, crafts, and a storytime session for the children. A voter registration table was also set up to encourage political participation, emphasizing the power of the common vote. Open to the media, the organizers hoped to spread their message far and wide, to all those invested and interested.

Necessity of Immediate Action

This event, along with the ongoing efforts by caregivers and advocates, serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need for universal free school meals. Childhood hunger remains a pressing issue that needs immediate resolve and policies oriented toward it. Actions and initiatives, such as those undertaken by MomsRising, engage communities collectively in the fight against the adversities of child hunger.

Event Details

The Free School Meals for All Meetup Event was hosted by MomsRising leaders, and saw the appearance of caregivers and their children, alongside NC State Representatives Eric Ager and Caleb Rudow. It was held at Murphy-Oakley Park, located at 715 Fairview Rd, Asheville, and took place between 3 and 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 3.

HERE Asheville
Author: HERE Asheville

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