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Asheville Launches Comprehensive 10-Year Parks and Recreation Vision Plan

Community Park Engagement

Asheville Unveils Exciting New Vision for Parks and Recreation

Asheville is stepping into the future with a fresh approach to its parks and green spaces, making it an exciting time for residents who love to enjoy the great outdoors! The Asheville City Council has officially adopted a new roadmap called Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks, a comprehensive 10-year vision plan created with the input and ideas from community members. This plan aims to enhance the city’s parks and recreation facilities while ensuring everyone in Asheville has better access to green spaces.

A Bright Future for Recreation

It’s pretty clear that Asheville residents are eager for change. The team behind the Recreate Asheville plan, led by D. Tyrell McGirt, has listened closely to community feedback and wants to ensure that public spaces are not just better planned but also built and maintained in ways that truly serve the people. “We are thrilled with this roadmap that will help plan, build, and maintain public spaces in smarter and more beneficial ways,” McGirt said.

The aim is straightforward: to give the most people the most access to parks and recreational programs. The voice of the community has been heard through various methods, including a statistically valid survey sent to homes all over the city, public open surveys online and at community events, focus groups, and many more interactive listening sessions. All this information is being taken into account to define Asheville’s most pressing needs in terms of parks and recreation.

Identifying Priorities

The Recreate Asheville plan isn’t just a bunch of ideas; it’s a thoughtful strategy that prioritizes which recreation spaces are in dire need of attention and which projects would benefit the community the most. It combines local input with projections for future growth, while also comparing Asheville’s park system to those in other similar cities. This approach ensures that Asheville’s parks stay relevant, engaging, and well-maintained.

Funding the Vision

In addition to the plan itself, Asheville voters are being given a unique chance to contribute significantly to this vision. During the upcoming election, they will have the opportunity to approve $20 million in general obligation bonds. If accepted, these bonds will fund many of the prioritized “Phase 1” projects outlined in the Recreate Asheville plan. This is a chance for residents to directly impact the development and enhancement of their public spaces!

Stay Engaged with Park Bench Chats

A fantastic way for residents to remain engaged and informed about these developments is through the upcoming “Park Bench Chats”. McGirt will be hosting these casual conversations where residents can express their thoughts, ask questions, or just chat about the parks. Each session lasts about 20 minutes, and while you can sign up in advance, drop-ins may also be accommodated as time allows. This gives everyone the chance to be part of the ongoing conversation about Asheville’s parks!

The aim of these initiatives is clear: to ensure that Asheville’s parks are not just places to visit but vibrant community hubs that everyone can enjoy. With warmer weather on the horizon and a little rain to keep things fresh, it’s the perfect time for residents to get involved and start looking forward to all the exciting changes on the way. So grab your tennis racket or pickleball paddle and get ready for a delightful journey into the future of Asheville’s parks!

HERE Asheville
Author: HERE Asheville

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