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Affordable Housing Crisis in Western North Carolina: Four Potential Solutions

Community Housing Development Concept

Affordable Housing Crisis in Western North Carolina:

Four Potential Solutions

Western North Carolina has recently gained popularity among Americans, with Asheville being recognized as one of the top 20 “Best Places to Live in the U.S.” by a leading ranking directory. However, this increasing demand for residency is outpacing the availability of affordable housing options in key urban centers like Asheville and Hendersonville. This disparity threatens the socio-economic diversity of the region, with many residents resorting to long commutes, and creating further social inequality.

This regional crisis demands collective action and strategic consideration of innovative measures to ensure affordable housing for all sectors of the community. Here are four strategies to alleviate the affordable housing crisis in Western North Carolina:

1. Implement Zoning Laws for “Missing Middle” Housing

Western North Carolina lacks “missing middle” housing – a category between single-family residences and apartment complexes housing types like duplexes and accessory dwelling units. Amending zoning laws to allow for the construction of such structures can create smaller, more affordable residential units. Residents, attending public meetings or sending emails to city and county officials, can express their support for these propositions.

2. Support Housing Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations, like BeLoved Asheville and Mountain Housing Opportunities, are playing a significant role in mitigating the housing crisis. These organizations offer affordable housing options, through strategic use of donations, volunteer support, and sourcing affordable development properties. Community donations and shopping in their stores are simple ways to support these ongoing efforts.

3. Promote Skilled Trades Education

A lack of skilled construction workers is an underlying issue in the housing crisis. Encouraging students or career-switchers to opt for skilled trades education can create a steady supply of proficient labor in the building and construction industry. This advocacy can also minimize student debts and promote quality wages in the construction field. Organizations like the Builders Association of the Blue Ridge Mountains offer programs that promote skilled trades education in Western North Carolina.

4. Advocate for Responsible Development

Responsible growth involves community input, environmental consideration, and innovative construction methods. Open dialogue and cooperative problem-solving between developers, builders, and community members can lead to projects that benefit all stakeholders while maintaining the character and sustainability of the neighborhood. Residents can support and influence local development by demanding responsible practices.

With continued growth predicted for the region, these collective efforts are crucial in shaping a prosperous and inclusive Western North Carolina. Together, these strategies can facilitate balanced development, promote affordability, and ensure a diverse community resilient against socio-economic disparities.

HERE Asheville
Author: HERE Asheville

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